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Table of Contents

  icon Healthy County Flash Presentation
Play this 15-minute presentation for your employees to give them a brief overview of Healthy County and all the benefits it has to offer.

  icon Healthy County Press Release
Use this document as a template to inform local press about the positive effects of the Healthy County program in your county.


  icon Olympic adventure brochure
  icon Olympic adventure route map
  icon Olympic adventure coordinator toolkit
  icon Vibrant newsletter – Intro and Welcome
  icon Vibrant newsletter – Week 1: Purpose
  icon Vibrant newsletter – Week 2: Support
  icon Vibrant newsletter – Week 3: Action
  icon Vibrant newsletter – Week 4: Training Table
  icon Vibrant newsletter – Week 5: Daily Practice
  icon Vibrant newsletter – Week 6: Safety
  icon Vibrant newsletter – Week 7: Teamwork
  icon Vibrant newsletter – Week 8: Balance
  icon Vibrant newsletter – Week 9: Sportsmanship
  icon Vibrant newsletter – Week 10: Character


  icon Personal Scorecard


• Fliers

  icon Blue Care Connection
  icon Employer Guide to Care Management
  icon BlueExtras
  icon Weight Management
  icon Tobacco Cessation
  icon Health Risk Assessment
  icon Personal Health Manager
  icon Personal Health Record

• Electronic Messages

  icon Blue Points email copy
  icon Personal Health Manager email copy
  icon Cholesterol email copy
  icon Eat Right email copy
  icon Get Fit email copy

• Posters

  icon Blue Access for Members
  icon Blue Points
  icon Chronic Conditions
  icon Health Risk Assessment
  icon Provider Tools
  icon Smoking Cessation
  icon Stress Management
  icon Weight Loss
  icon Fitness Program
  icon Group Fitness Program

Health Observances

  January: Weight Loss
  Image icon Emotional eating e-banner
  icon Re-think your drink poster

  February: Heart Health
  icon Reducing Heart Risk e-banner
  Word icon Reducing Heart Risk email copy
  PDF icon Catch the benefits of fish poster

  March: Nutrition
  icon Office food safety tips e-banner
  icon Office food safety tips email copy
  icon Fiber rich foods poster

  April: Sports and Safety
  icon Warm up to stretching e-banner
  icon Warm up to stretching email copy
  icon Sports Injury Prevention poster

  May: Physical Stress
  icon Walking during breaks e-banner
  icon Walking during breaks email copy
  icon Active at any size poster

  June: Stress Management
  icon Time management e-banner
  icon Time management email copy
  icon Effects of stress poster

  July: Workplace Safety
  icon Workplace safety e-banner
  icon Workplace safety risk email copy
  icon Workplace safety poster

  August: Immunizations
  icon Adult immunizations e-banner
  icon Adult immunizations email copy
  icon Childhood immunizations poster

  September: Cholesterol
  icon Avoiding trans-fat e-banner
  icon Avoiding trans-fat email copy
  icon Cholesterol myths poster

  October: Healthy Lungs
  icon Preventing colds and flu e-banner
  icon Preventing colds and flu email copy
  icon Second-hand smoke poster

  November: Diabetes
  icon Diabetes risk reduction e-banner
  icon Diabetes risk reduction email copy
  icon Preventing Pre-diabetes poster

  December: Alcohol Abuse Prevention
  icon Drink in moderation e-banner
  icon Drink in moderation email copy
  icon Alcohol awareness poster

Healthy County promotional materials are also available for download at www.county.org/healthycounty.html.